Team Dynamics & Collaboration

Team Building

Agreeing on a shared understanding of goals, plans, and strategies.
341 Cohorts
4 Active this week
39 Resources
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Meetings are often run by sitting participants around a conference table. This format is easy since most readily-available conference rooms, but it is not conducive to productive brainstorming. By changing the environment and using collaborative capturing techniques we increase productivity by an order of magnitude. Discover how easy it is to apply these lightweight tools to run impromptu meetings that often need only a room and a whiteboard.

Domains in this track

Group Dynamics

The study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding decision-making behavior, tracking the spread of diseases in society, creating effective therapy techniques, and following the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies. Group dynamics are at the core of understanding racism, sexism, and other forms of social prejudice and discrimination.

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Trust and Transparency

A culture of trust and transparency is critical to moving an association forward effectively. It affects the relationship between the organization, its members and partners and redefines the concept of leadership. And it builds an environment where members want to get involved, and where innovation thrives.

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Objectives, Metrics and Targets

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Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety, a key condition for productive teams, is an environment where each individual believes that no one will be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. Team members feel accepted and respected, and trust that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. This is a condition achieved when human beings feel that: 1) they are included, 2) it is safe to learn (which implies failure from time to time), 3) it is safe to contribute; and 4) it is safe to challenge the status quo. Due to the lack of fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way, individual contributors are able to allow their expressivity to flow and therefore contribute in more meaningful ways.

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Roles & Responsibilities

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Meetings & Ceremonies

Agile meetings are focused ceremonies or discussions where teams synchronize work, identify impediments, brainstorm possibilities, review progress, gain customer feedback or share any information valuable to the project. It ensures that the entire team is on the same page and agrees with the next steps to be taken.

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Purpose, Values & Principles

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Governance (Rules and Policies)

Governance is the way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained , regulated and held accountable. The degree of formality depends on the internal rules of a given organization and, externally, with its business partners. As such, governance may take many forms, driven by many different motivations and with many different results.

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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication research addresses at least six categories of inquiry: 1) how humans adjust and adapt their verbal communication and nonverbal communication during face-to-face communication; 2) how messages are produced; 3) how uncertainty influences behavior and information-management strategies; 4) deceptive communication; 5) relational dialectics; and 6) social interactions that are mediated by technology.

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