What is Agile Intervention Management?

Agile Intervention Management identifies the key elements for successful experimentation and adaptation and presents a collection of effective practices that help you introduce and manage transformation in any organization. It takes an entire new perspective on the focus of control of change, embracing an adaptive approach to transitions. Instead of seeking or predicting outcomes, it regulates progress by coordinating the accumulation of natural learnings acquired by experimentation.

By effectively managing the accumulation of knowledge and coordinating the work in progress, it allows your team to quickly respond to change and/or reduce the time to adopt new business models. Discover how to apply it in your environment with a proven methodological framework for adaptive change management, and the tools and techniques required to successfully deliver change at speed. But be warned, it is not a step-by-step instructions for transformation.

It is not a prescribed recipe: you will decide on how to handle change in your organization while benefiting from structure, scalability, and repeatability. It is our weapon of mass innovation and planned transformation.

A different kind of change

At this point, you must have realized that you can't change other people. What you can change is your own behavior and the influence you have over others. Agile Intervention Management is based on Lean Startup principles, blended with some of the traditional change models and embellished with cool brain science. It takes an entire new perspective on the focus of control of change. Instead of controlling the outcomes, it simply controls the progress accumulated by experiments.

Lean Startup is based on having visible informational radiators (canvases) and experimenting with value propositions that deliver benefit to an end customer. Agile Intervention Management embraces this approach to change, since experimentation reflects our natural learning. And all transformation should be about delivering value!

There are two key principles underlying Agile Intervention Management: you can't control the way people are going to respond to change; and people are more likely to be happy if they have a hand in designing the change.

This kind of empowerment to "change outside of the box" is exactly what Agile Intervention Management is all about. To recognize organizations as social networks which are complex adaptive systems, which will kill the spirit and product frustration if members feel hollow and devoid of meaning. No matter whether you are a human resources manager, scrum master, product owner, software developer or writer, you will leave empowered to change the world around you.