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Tasty Cupcakes

A community to share games, making it easier to find an activity for a specific problem.
152 Members - Public Community
Organized by Joao G.
Tasty Cupcakes
Tasty Cupcakes logo

What we're about

TastyCupcakes is a community-run site for Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Team Leaders, Managers, and Learning-oriented team members who have: 1) Challenges conveying complex ideas; 2) Want to change mindsets; 3) Looking for fast and effective method of sharing ideas; 4) Like to put on a show, fun for me and for everyone else; and 5) A desire to share their ideas with the community.

The games, techniques, and approaches presented are here for you to use and explore. All we ask is that you tell others about us and give us some feedback on the games themselves.



Members (152)
