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Practice proficiency
Certification Cost
Credentialing cost is included in the course tuition.
Examination Process
Although there is not an ICAgile official exam, ICAgile allows for their course accreditors to determine appropriate means for retention of the learning outcomes. Depending on your provider, there may be some type of assessment in order to earn the credential.

Many providers assess via participation, activity and understanding conveyed via exercises and discussion, withholding the credential when appropriate.
Training Required
Successfully complete an ICAgile accredited course taught by an ICAgile Authorized Instructor. Typically, training providers will cover the required learning outcomes for this certification in approximately 14-21 hours of instructional activities over the course of two to three days.

ICAgile Authorized Instructors can withhold certification based on lack of participation or understanding of course learning outcomes.
ICAgile Certified Professional - People Development

For organizations to succeed with business agility, the role of the supervisor or manager must evolve to focus on creating a supportive and empowering environment. This begins with the leader growing their own capabilities as a leader, coach, and mentor before developing the people and teams around them. Agile leaders and managers need to encourage and enable growth while modeling an agile mindset.

The ICP-PDV Learning Outcomes focus on the manager and their relationship to people as a leader — not as much on the processes that support “people management.” Those processes are addressed more thoroughly in the Agility in HR (ICP-AHR) Learning Outcomes.

Target Audience

Specifically designed for leaders where one or more of the following criteria apply:

  • Leaders at Front Line Supervisor level and above who lead teams of people, or those on their way to becoming Front Line Supervisors
  • People at any level who lead or aspire to lead in an organization on a business agility journey.
  • Leaders who see the value of growing an agile organization, and are committed to developing themselves and the people on their teams in order to achieve that aim.