Managing Delivery

Delivery Management

Controlling the production process of projects, programs and portfolios.
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72 Resources
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Delivery Management focuses on the mechanics of project delivery as well as applying agile management principles beyond projects to programs, portfolios, and broader organizational contexts. It covers core agile concepts such as servant leadership, adaptive planning, frequent feedback for learning, and a focus on value-driven versus plan-driven delivery. Here you will compare and contrast agile management with traditional management approaches, and learn how to apply these concepts in your teams and organizations.

Target Audience

Primary audience: Existing and new Delivery Managers; traditional Project Managers making the transition to agile environments; senior managers new to agile and adaptive management styles; agile team members interested in taking on servant leadership roles; mid-level managers in agile organizations ready to apply their agile management skills to broader contexts; those managing agile delivery at scale across programs and portfolios.

Relevant roles: Project Managers, ScrumMasters, Business Analysts, Product Managers, Agile Coaches, Program Managers, and team members interested in Agile Project Management.

Domains in this track

Methods and Concepts

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Iterations and Increments

Instead of spending months creating a perfect change plan (which is already obsolete by the time it is released), we start with a small prioritization phase to identify the biggest risk to our transformation and create an intervention designed to validate a single or set of strategic assumptions though experimentation. Every couple weeks the customer gets something of great value (working software), but it's also a great way to track progress (measuring the rate at which the team can turn user stories into production ready working software).

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Process Optimization

Identify the value stream and reduce waste by 1) streamlining the work process to avoid unnecessary gates, process steps, procedures, or bureaucracy; 2) organize the workplace and data to minimize time needed to find information and perform development activities; and 3) standardizing work by establishing a common way of doing things – a standard process, document templates, checklists, etc.

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To purpose of scheduling is to minimize the production time and costs while meeting customer's due dates for delivery.

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Tracking and Monitoring

Evaluate how well you are achieving your goals, improving performance, taking actions. Put processes in place to help you establish standards, so you can measure, compare, and make decisions.

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Production Systems

A production system comprises both the technological elements (machines and tools) and organizational behavior (division of labor and information flow). An individual production system is usually analyzed in the literature referring to a single business, therefore it's usually improper to include in a given production system the operations necessary to process goods that are obtained by purchasing or the operations carried by the customer on the sold products, the reason being simply that since businesses need to design their own production systems this then becomes the focus of analysis, modeling and decision making (also called "configuring" a production system).

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Organizing & Planning Work

Management involves choosing appropriate goals and actions to pursue and then determining what strategies to use, what actions to take, and deciding what resources are needed to achieve the goals. This is followed by establishing worker relationships and processes to achieve the organizational goals.

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Performance Management

Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, an employee, or the processes in place to manage particular tasks. Performance management standards are generally organized and disseminated by senior leadership at an organization and by task owners, it can include specifying tasks and outcomes of a job, providing timely feedback and coaching, comparing employee's actual performance and behaviors with desired performance and behaviors, instituting rewards, etc. It is necessary to outline the role of each individual in the organization in terms of functions and responsibilities to ensure that performance management is successful.

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Eliminate Waste

The seven wastes come from the principle of Lean Manufacturing, an idea with its origins in Japanese industry at the beginning of the 20th century. That may seem a long way from the software industry of today, but the lessons are just as applicable to modern software development. By eliminating the seven wastes from your process, you’ll soon find your delivery times improve.

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Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Supply Chain Management involves the movement and storage of raw materials, of work-in-process inventory, and of finished goods as well as end to end order fulfillment from point of origin to point of consumption. Interconnected, interrelated or interlinked networks, channels and node businesses combine in the provision of products and services required by end customers in a supply chain.

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Quality Management

Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent. It has four main components: quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement. Quality management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also on the means to achieve it. Quality management, therefore, uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality. What a customer wants and is willing to pay for it determines quality. It is a written or unwritten commitment to a known or unknown consumer in the market. Thus, quality can be defined as fitness for intended use or, in other words, how well the product performs its intended function.

Facility Management

Facilities management is a professional management discipline focused on the efficient and effective delivery of support services for the organizations that it serves. Its objective is to coordinate demand and supply of every tangible asset that supports an organization, including real estate property, buildings, technical infrastructure, (HVAC), lighting, transportation, IT-services, furniture, custodial, grounds maintenance and other user-specific equipment and appliances. FM covers these two main areas: 'Space and Infrastructure' (such as planning, design, workplace, construction, lease, occupancy, maintenance and furniture) and 'People and Organization' (such as catering, cleaning, ICT, HR, accounting, marketing, hospitality). The first refers to the physical built environment with focus on (work-) space and (building-) infrastructure. The second covers the people and the organization and is related to work psychology and occupational physiology.

Workforce Management

Workforce management includes all the activities needed to maintain a productive workforce, such as field service management, human resource management, performance and training management, data collection, recruiting, budgeting, forecasting, scheduling and analytics. It is directly responsible for producing and retaining the most talented employees available in the job market.

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