Strategic Insight & Innovation

Problem Solving

Crafting innovative solutions, fostering creativity, driving competitive advantage.
0 Cohorts
4 Active this week
0 Resources
Individually selected
Flexible Schedule
Invest 20 minutes a day
This track empowers students to unleash their creative potential and tackle organizational challenges with ingenuity and flair. Through a series of interactive workshops and brainstorming sessions, students learn to cultivate a culture of innovation within their organizations. They explore techniques for reframing problems, generating novel ideas, and fostering a collaborative ideation process. Practical exercises encourage students to think outside the box, experiment with new approaches, and embrace failure as a catalyst for innovation. By mastering the art of innovative problem-solving and creativity, students become catalysts for organizational change and drivers of competitive advantage in the digital age.

Domains in this track

Solving Problems

The act of defining a problem and determining its cause; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternative courses of action; and implementing a solution.

Seizing Opportunities

The ability to identify and capitalize on emerging trends or favorable circumstances to drive innovation and growth. It requires the flexibility to adapt during turbulent times, and the courage to take on calculated risks in the face of ambiguity. It means to have the necessary focus to mobilize the necessary resources to bring solutions to fruition, and to transform dreams into viable realities.

Creative Thinking

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