How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader cover image

How to Motivate People, Transform Business, and Be a True Leader

How our current business climate creates poor leaders, how to change that climate, and how to build the clarity and courage necessary to lead with an infinite mindset.

Profile image of Simon Sinek
Oct 15, 2019 • 54 min read
4.93 (14)
Growth Mindset
Servant Leadership
Employee Engagement
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Simon Sinek achieved international fame with the TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action” and his first book “Start With Why.” Now he is expanding his discussion of leadership and delving into the question of what has gone so wrong for businesses and their leaders. In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Simon Sinek goes deep into the subject of his newest work, “The Infinite Game.” He shares that most leaders don’t understand the infinite game they are in. Simon explains how our current business climate creates poor leaders, how to change that climate, and how to build the clarity and courage necessary to lead with an infinite mindset.


  • Companies need to put their people before profit’s, a person’s will before resources. It’s important for a person to feel they are more than the money they are paid. People need to feel they are part of the cause and a part of something bigger than themselves. Leaders need to change their finite mindset because the game they are playing is infinite. If you take care of your employees the profits will come. People need to feel safe.

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