Is Your Agile Transformation Failing, Too? cover image

Is Your Agile Transformation Failing, Too?

What constitutes to most agile transformation failures in an organization? A dive into behavior change to understand why.

Profile image of Anthony Murphy
Aug 06, 2019 • 15 min read
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Agile Adoption
Organizational Change Management
Lean-Agile Mindset
Responding to Change
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The habits practiced by an organization determine its effectiveness to implement change. Organizations under agile-like approaches "doing agile'', are easier to transcend to agile while it's harder for those that live by the name agile only. Anthony Murphy in this text, uses analogies like the "onion agile" concept to explain how behavioral change hinders most agile transformations in organizations, and why the Fogg behavior model is key to eliminating this barrier.

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