Beyond Value Streams: Experimental Evolution in Action cover image

Beyond Value Streams: Experimental Evolution in Action

Illustrating how the act of deliberately capturing and evolving "learning streams" (in addition to the more conventional value streams) can lead to surprising consequences.

Profile image of Claudio Perrone
Oct 15, 2015 • 10 min read
4.71 (14)
Organizational Change Management
Lean-Agile Mindset
Organizational Learning
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Claudio Perrone explains some of the factors hindering effective Agile transformations in most organizations. He points to the fact that traditional Agile approaches haven't been effective and that Agility must affect the entire value stream, not just the development teams. He illustrates his experience by sharing a story of how a company became fully Agile by evolving experimentally. The organization first tested SCRUM and realized it was not a viable option then decided to introduce Lean Techniques pragmatically leveraging the Lean Change Cycle.


  • Change in an organization can be implemented through experiments.
  • Most companies go through lots of re-engineering phases that do not bring about real transformation.
  • The traditional Agile approach towards management hasn't been particularly effective.

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