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You Suck At PowerPoint!

5 Shocking design mistakes you need to avoid - after all, it's not the program that sucks, it's you (the presenter).

Profile image of Jesse Desjardins
Nov 03, 2010 • 6 min read
4.57 (14)
Visual Communication
Pitching and Presenting
Visual Information Representation


PowerPoint is widely adopted across the globe for presentations. In fact, about 350 PowerPoint presentations are given every second in the world! However, approximately 99% of those presentations don't deliver the expected results. So what really attributes to this problem and how can we avoid it? Learn some of the shocking design mistakes made by presenters in this article and make your next PowerPoint slides interesting.


  • A successful PowerPoint presentation is less detailed and has few slides to keep it relevant.
  • Most PowerPoint presentations fail as a result of the presenter, not the software.
  • PowerPoint is massively leveraged around the globe to give presentations. However, 99% of those presentations fail to deliver the message as expected.

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