Prototyping 101: The Difference between Low-Fidelity and High-Fidelity Prototypes and When to Use Each cover image

Prototyping 101: The Difference between Low-Fidelity and High-Fidelity Prototypes and When to Use Each

Choosing the most effective method of prototyping — minimizing work and maximizing learning — based on your product’s need.

Profile image of Nick Babich
Nov 29, 2017 • 11 min read
4.50 (18)
User Experience (UX)
User-Centered Design
User Interface Design (UI)
User Experience Prototype
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Prototyping plays a vital role in the process of creating successful UX, but for many product teams, prototyping is still one of the most confusing parts of the UX design process. In this article, Nick Babich shares why a prototype is needed, what it is and the different types of fidelity it could have, and techniques that can be used to build prototypes.

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