Heart, Brain, Hands - The Rock Scissor Paper of Transformation? cover image

Heart, Brain, Hands - The Rock Scissor Paper of Transformation?

A successful transformation entails understanding the players' desires, mindset, and involving them in the process.

Profile image of Jens Woinowski
Oct 29, 2020 • 5 min read
4.00 (1)
Managing Change
Organizational Change Management
Responding to Change


It's important to consider the desires (heart), the mindset (brain), and the contribution (hands) of stakeholders during a transformation. These elements precede each other and are key to attaining a successful transformation. The heart powers emotions that people cannot intellectually control, while the brain commands people to actively do something. Whereas hands make people do things against their will. Transformations that turn a blind eye to these elements end up failing.

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