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Specialization of: Business Agility

Enterprise Adaptability

Responding quickly to new challenges and changing market conditions.

Transformations are comprehensive changes in strategy, operating model, organization, people, and processes. They aim to achieve a dramatic improvement in performance and alter a company's future trajectory. 

Across industries and regions, the need for business transformation is enormous and growing. In today’s unpredictable business environment, disruption arises from all angles. This reality leaves public companies with a 1-in-3 chance of ceasing to exist in their current form over the next 5 years, up from a 1-in-20 chance 50 years ago. In addition, CEOs and senior leaders are under increasing pressure as activist investors and boards push them to do more—faster. 

Transformation is a tool that all companies can use to improve their value to shareholders, whether they are trying to catch up quickly or retooling to stay ahead.


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